Electronics have become common items in our everyday lives. As a result more and more projects are requiring electronic components to either be added or modified in some way to satisfy the need of a script. Whether it's simply swapping out LEDs for a different color, remote controlled devices, or more complex microcontrolers, Whatever Unique can create or hack your item into creation. We use the word hack as in hacking, because it's become a regular occurrence that we are not simply building an item from the ground up. Often we are handed a device or product of some sort and are then asked to modify or add features in some way. This requires us to open up items, and perform electronic surgery to attach what we need to complete our tasks. Sometimes we are also able to save a great amount money by picking up some off the shelf products and taking out the items we need, and inserting them into our new device. It's all about accomplishing the task as quickly and cost effectively as possible.